

Stor fremgang til MLM i Danmark i 2015


Direkte salg på verdensplan 2015. Kilde:

Med en omsætningsfremgang på 10% i 2015, så var Danmark blandt de lande som vækstede mest sidste år – det viser seneste tal fra WFDSA (World Federation of Direct Selling Associations), der er en direktesalgsforening for 59 forskellige medlemslande.

Ifølge WFDSA har de 68.400 danskere, der er registreret hos landets forskellige mlm-firmaer, formået at få solgt for 534 millioner kroner. Det svarer til en omsætning på ca. kr. 7.800 pr. mlm-forhandler. Norge og Sverige havde også fremgang i 2015. De er stadig foran os på både omsætning og antal involverede personer, og de vækstede hhv. 3,8% og 6,8% på omsætningen. Faktisk formår Sverige at omsætte for 2,393 milliarder svenske kroner på knap 107.000 mlm-forhandlere, hvilket svarer til ca. 22.500 svenske kroner pr. snude.


MLM vækstede globalt med 7,7% i 2015

Med en samlet global omsætning på 183.729.000.000 dollar, svarende til 1.234.658.880.000 danske kroner ved dagens kurs på 6,72, så blev det til en stigning på 7,7% for hele året, målt i forhold til 2014. De to primære produktgrupper, som drev salget inden for direkte salg i 2015, var kosmetik og wellness produkter.

Hvilke produkter blev der solgt flest af i 2015?

Hvilke produkter solgte mlm-forhandlerne flest af i 2015? Kilde:


MLM-forhandlere tjener næsten ingenting

Meget små fortjenester til MLM-forhandlere……sådan lød overskriften på en artikel publiceret på tilbage i 2003. Søren Dietrichsen, som havde skrevet artiklen, pointerede bl.a. at den bedste fjerdedel af MLM-forhandlerne i Danmark havde en indtjening på maksimalt 10.000-12.000 kr. i gennemsnit om året. Beløbet var hentet fra Direkte Salgs Foreningen, brancheorganisationen for MLM-firmaer i Danmark, som på det tidspunkt talte ni af de største og mest etablerede virksomheder i branchen – hvoraf Amway, Nu Skin, Herbalife og Tupperware blev nævnt.

Direkte Salgs Foreningen kunne desuden informere om at ca. 80.000 danskere var, i en eller anden udstrækning, forhandler af MLM-varer. De mange MLM-forhandlere var tilknyttet et voksende antal virksomheder i Danmark som netop benyttede sig af Multi Level Marketing (MLM) – og af de mere etablerede virksomheder henviste Søren Dietrichsen til Tele2.

MLM har et socialt aspekt

Det sociale aspekt med MLM blev også nævnt, som et plus ved branchen, hvor MLM-forhandlere kommer til at mødes med mange mennesker samt samarbejde med dem. Og for mange mennesker var MLM-forretningen en sidebeskæftigelse – og her kunne 2.000-3.000 kroner ekstra om måneden være målet.

Det er uhæderligt og amoralsk at hverve familiemedlemmer med hensigt på at tjene penge på dem, nævnte Katrine de Neergaard, konsulent hos Forbrugerombudsmanden, i artiklen. Desuden har MLM-forhandlerne også lovgivningen imod sig, så det giver meget dårlige muligheder for at tjene penge med MLM i Danmark. Specielt blev der henvist til at det i mange tilfælde var ulovligt at foretage venne-hvervning i Danmark. Denne forskelsbehandling mente, den daværende formand for Direkte Salgs Foreningen, Claus Jønsson ikke var helt fair.

Læs hele artiklen her: Meget små fortjenester til MLM-forhandlere


MLM Training – The 5 BLAZING Secrets to SCORCHING MLM Training

Network marketing training is imperative. You must have good training on many subjects, including Recruiting, Retailing, Prospecting, Contacting, Presenting, Getting the Decision, and Building a group. Those are just the start of a solid MLM Training program.

But I have found after 22 years in this industry, that there are 5 main things that a great MLM Training program needs. Many folks who could have been superstars in the Direct Marketing industry never were, because of weak training. It had no FIRE in it, and no pattern to follow. And as you grow in MLM, there is more to learn as you build your business. That is why a SCORCHING Training program is a MUST at the beginning.

Let me be clear about something. There is a difference between Training and education. Education is classroom instruction. Training is in the trenches. It SHOWS the distributor what needs to be done, not just tell what needs to be done. So FIRST comes the education in a classroom style teaching,(can be in a hotel or living room) then comes the trenches and showing them how it is done LIVE. All great training is done in this way, and it is a powerful way to empower your Network Marketing Business. It is a SCORCHING 1-2 Punch.

What are the 5 things SCORCHING Training should have?

1) A Duplicable Process.

This is common sense, and we have all heard it before. You need to have a step by step process that is easy to follow, and is a PATTERN that new folks can follow, and learn. We live in a sequenced based world, and we follow a sequence in everything we do. That is why that the process needs to be sequenced, so it can be duplicable. If you cannot duplicate what you are doing, then you will have a hard time building any kind of a long term business.

2) Tools to Teach.

Every SCORCHING Training has Tools that the new person can use and master. These include cds, dvds, brochures, training manuals, online training, flash trainings, conference calls training, Saturday Training events, and one on one teachings.

There is a saying that I love — “It’s not just about Talent, but TOOLS.” Training Tools are necessary to bridge the gap between inexperience, and experience with the new distributor. And one of the most powerful tools you can have at the start is a CD that you can listen to while in the car. This is a great way to learn the business, and get the information inside your soul.

3) Complete Content.

Many companies I have been blessed to work with lacked COMPLETE MLM training in their programs. They had some format of training, but not covering ALL aspects of what a new distributor needs. This should include training even on what to do on a daily basis, product training, corporate training, compensation training, and even the start of Leadership training.

The question all training should answer is “What do I do next?” If that question is answered, then you can pretty much bet that the training program is close to complete if not totally complete.

4) A Success Path.

Every distributor needs a Success path. This is a Path that they travel, to hit the first goal or promotion in the Compensation plan. It has daily goals, daily activities, timelines, how many calls a day, how many sales a week, how many recruits a month, and how much volume a month. This Success Path will be a day by day, call by call, action by action plan that will actually steer the new peson to Success over a period of time. It also includes a day by day Personal Development Program that develops the new distributor on the inside.

A Success Path is only a Path, and not a magic bullet. It is up to the new person to walk it. Most new distributors will, if given the opportunity, and the road to travel.

5) LIVE Role Playing.

There is NOTHING as powerful as Role Playing with the new distibutor. It gives them “Artifical Experience” that psychologically will prepare them for the real thing. It will help develop a “feeling” or “Pattern” of what to do and say, and handle any situations that come up. There is no feeling like when a new person “gets it” and understands what they are supposed to do, and how to do it, THEN doing it. It is imperative to Role Play with your new person. It gets them ready for the real thing, in a quick and powerful fashion.

These are the 5 Secrets of SCORCHING MLM Training, and what great training should contain. Yes, there are more things to come along, but these 5 are a MUST to get the new distributor off to a SCORCHING, BLAZING Start, with MLM Training.

MLM Training – The 9 Million Dollar Questions for Network Marketing Success

Great Question!

Answer: They can, and DO, all the time.

I got in a conversation recently with someone who asked that question, and they were convinced beyond my words that MLM simply is something that people cannot do.

And they walked off still thinking that way. Sad.

But it is a really good question, and I believe needs to be addressed from a point of reality and truth, not hype and promises. It is so true that most folks don’t succeed in network marketing, and the reason why is one, that they don’t want to hear, don’t want to believe and don’t want to deal with.

But understand:

The MLM Leadership Factor.


Leadership is about telling folks what needs to be said, not what they want to hear. And sometimes leaders in this business can be outcasts because they stand up for the brutal truth, not some candy coated platitude that is more for tickling the ears then changing a life.

I get emails a lot about how my writings are too blount and brutal and I need to lighten up.

Get over it. The truth needs to be told in this industry, and until folks can get a grasp on it, they will never be successful nor rich. What is the answer to the question?

You may or not believe it. But you are struggling and failing in this Network Marketing business:

Because you have chosen to do so.

Period. That’s it.

Nothing more. And I can hear the “you don’t understands” now coming off my computer screen, and they echo throughout the industry. The “Excuse Brigade” is now in action again, and clinging to their excuses like a vine to a pole, like odor to garbage.

And that is all their excuses are: Garbage. Let me explain.

It takes a certain amount of work, activity, belief, energy, education and relentless pursuit to create any success of any kind in any endeavor. .All Network Marketing Leaders know this.

And luck has a way of showing up when you have chosen to engage all of the above effectively.

Let me ask you a few questions. And for once in this business, look at yourself and answer them brutally honest.

The 9 Million Dollar Questions of MLM Leadership.

1) Have you REALLY given TOTALLY all you got the last 30 days in this business when you worked it or have you chosen not to?

2) Have you had the level of activity that is REALLY needed to succeed in MLM, or have you chosen not to?

3) Have you decided that NOTHING will stop you from success, or have you chosen that you will stop you??

4) Have you intensely educated yourself on how to REALLY do this business effectively and professionally, or have you chosen not to?

5) Have you been telling yourself the truth about what you are REALLY doing daily in your business, or NOT doing, or have you chosen NOT to?

6) Have you talked to enough people today to create some serious MLM Fire in your business, or have you chosen not to?

7) Have you focused on what will create success, not comfort, and then done it, or chosen COMFORT?

8) Are you going to finally GET SERIOUS about this business and give yourself permission to succeed, or deny yourself that choice?

9) Are you going to listen to all your excuses and reasons why Network Marketing won’t work, or have you chosen not to, and you just go out and do it and prove everyone wrong?


Your choices and decisions in this business will dictate WHAT YOU PUT INTO YOUR HOURS, and the effect those hours have on your business.r

The Secret of What Your MLM Business REALLY is.


All your business is, and ever will be, is a summary of what you and your downline have put, or NOT PUT, into the hours you have worked your business.

Garbage in, Garbage out. NO Exceptions.

Most kid themselves into thinking they have been working, and in reality, they have not been constructing a business, but conning themselves into constricting a future.


I hope so. I want this article today to be like a 2X4 up against your heart and get you to see what is REALLY your choices and desires for you in this industry.

If you do, and step up and start changing those choices into decisions and then let that decision become unalterable, it’s Success or Nothing, Freedom or Nothing, then you will find the Success Track that all leaders need to be on with their folks and with their Vision.

2 Words: IT’S TIME. To get Serious about building a Serious MLM Business.


The Seriousness Factor in MLM Leadership.


The SERIOUSNESS of your actions in this business will ALWAYS determine the SERIOUSNESS of your paycheck.

Now THAT’S Leadership Reality! if you choose to believe that, and GET SERIOUS. Get yourself a new bank account. You are gonna need it.

MLM Training – The Big 3 MLM Recruiting Secrets of the Home Based Millionaire

I have never had such a response to anything in these articles like we have had with this PassionFire study on Millionaire Recruiters.

WOW! And we have been swamped with emails for copies of the study. We may release it at a later date, but we appreciate the kind interest and comments.

This article we are going to cover:

“The MLM Millionaire’s Big 3 Recruiting Secrets.” All the Millionaires which I chatted with and interviewed had their own flair and processes, which is what makes Network Marketing great. The eclectic nature of the education one can get.

But after interviewing them and seeing what they all had to say, there were 3 commonalities between them all as far as what they focused on and how they saw things.

Millionaires in this business are different. VERY Different.

In their work ethic, focus, activity level, belief and determination to make things happen, and they make things happen all the time.

But 3 things really stuck out about them all, and it really made an impression on us to find out that they perceive things differently than the average network marketing distributor.

That is the reason they became Millionaires. And they should be modeled in most every aspect.

The “Big 3” MLM Secrets that we discovered. 1) “Millionaires don’t wait for something to happen, they are too busy MAKING something happen.”

One top earner from JAFRA told me that she took her new folks by the hand, and led them down a path that was all about activity and results. She didn’t wait on them to go do something. She took them and DID something WITH THEM. (DID YOU GET THAT?)

Another number one earner told me that he gets his distributors to “hit the ground running, because they have to keep up with me!” This number one earner said that he NEVER waits for his phone to ring. He goes out and MAKES it ring from all that he does with his folks and his personal recruiting.

Another number one earner said, “This is NOT a waiting game. It is a WINNING game, and the average MLM distributor plays the waiting game. But not my people. We are focused on winning at recruiting, and let the others who wait get the crumbs we leave.”

WOW! What an attitude and focus! This Intensity at making something happen permeated every Millionaire we chatted with, no exceptions. And many folks who we chatted with were constantly interrupted with 3 way calls on their cell phones and pages.

Their whole demeanor said: MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN!

2) “Millionaires don’t count the calls, they only count the applications.”

I was amazed at the numbers that these folks ran even when they were part time..(we covered this a couple of weeks ago). And we discovered that MLM Millionaires don’t count the calls, rarely if ever.

As one millionaire so aptly put it, “Count the calls? you gotta be kidding. I just call till I score.” Asked if he had any notion of how long he sits and makes calls. “All night if neccessary, doesn’t everybody?”(DID YOU GET THAT????)

MLM Millionaires see what they do as the Norm adn not anything special. They just call and keep calling, never minding or caring about the numbers, only waiting till they “score” and recruit someone.

The Power of ENOUGH in Network Marketing and Direct Sales. As another top earner said, “I’m too busy making phone calls to count how many I have made. I am only interested in one number — ENOUGH. And I know I have hit that when I have recruited someone, and I do nearly everyday.”

ENOUGH? You gotta LOVE IT! What Focus! What determination. Is it any wonder she earns 100,000 a month? I hope you guys are GETTING THIS!

3) “Millionaires see Negatives as the Ultimate Positive”

As one number one earner said, “Negatives? WHAT negatives? I never get any. I only get an answer and that answer from my prospect is either “I GET IT” or “I DON’T GET IT”. And if they don’t, who cares? I got it, and that is all that matters! And I will find those who DO get it!”

Again, DID YOU GET THAT?? What a focus and perception! A top earner for Mary Kay said, “There is nothing but positive with recruiting. Either people are POSITIVE about this business, or I am POSITIVE I don’t want to work with them.”

WOW! What a great mindset and it is no wonder she earns a TON of money every year. To her, there are NO negatives.

There are people Who are NOT for MLM. One female top earner for a company said, “The real winners in MLM understand that there are more people who are NOT for this business, then are. And Millionaires get rich by NOT caring who is or who isn’t for the business. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is they MUST find one who is, today.”

As you can see, the “Big 3” that all MLM Millionaires had in common in many instances border profound.

I would suggest you embracing these 3 principles that ran through all the interviews, and start modeling their Focus, Mindset, and Vision they have for their business.

It is called “The MLM Millionaire Perspective, ” and it’s worth a Million Dollars in MLM and Network Marketing.

MLM Training – The New Network Marketing Distributor’s Getting Started Checklist




If you have a checklist that a new network marketing distributor can follow and check off what he/she has done, then you have created a system that can not only be duplicated, but also taught.

By virtually anyone.

A checklist also will provide another thing besides duplication.


If a new MLM distributor knows that he/she will be asked about completing part of a checklist, then the odds of them doing it just went up a lot!

It simply shows the new Network Marketing distributor tasks that need to be done, and a good checklist will even have the date the task was done.


If a new mlm distributor has a list of things that they must do, the seriousness of the focus they have will increase significantly.

You, as a sponsor, must provide a PATH to success in the beginning that WALKS the new distributor through the first tasks that need to be done.

And it must be a step by step path.

Your checklist must have some form of direction to it and purpose. It cannot be just a list of tasks that are meaningless. They must be what will get the new mlm distributor prepared for the initial launch of their new MLM business.

There are many forms and kinds of checklists. I have seen many out in the industry, and all of them differed in some way.

It’s not the list itself that is important as the fact that there is a track to follow and a path that you can access as you get started in this business.

A list should contain 3 things:

1) Tasks that Set up the new distributor with the MLM company.

This part of the list should contain what is needed to get the new distributor in the computer and inventory ordered, and anything else your company requires you to so.

2) A list of what needs to be done to set up and engage the MLM business.

This can be as simple as a warm market list and a time to start calling the names.

3) Target Dates to accomplish the tasks in Network Marketing.

Make the dates have a sense of urgency but not intimidating to the new person…

And a list should always be “user friendly — easy to follow ad not complicated as this will expedite the new mlm distributor’s willingness to get it done quicker.

Here is checklist that will work for any new distributor and get them focused and on track for Network Marketing success:

Steps to MLM Success for a New MLM Distributor:

1) Make sure all the paperwork is in and Product ordered.


2) Schedule the first MLM Training Session and Kick off Meeting


Kick Off Meeting Agenda for New MLM Distributor:

3) Go over the New distributor Manual-Section by Section


4) Call and get 3 way calling set up on their phone


5) Go through the tools and brochures and answer any questions


6) Start the warm market and “Hello it’s Me” letter list (Memory Jogger)


7) Go through Fast Start Training (If applicable)

Date: ___________________________________

8) Role Play with new distributor approach and 3 way script


9) Set time to start 3 way calls


10) Plan First Exposure Meeting with warm market


As you can see, the first part is to get the paperwork out of the way, and then you do what I call a “Kick Off Meeting”. This is a meeting that is set to train and officially “kick off” the business of the new mlm distributor.


Every new network marketing distributor needs an “Official Start” to their mlm business, and a Kick Off meeting accomplishes that. It is the starting point of where the new network marketing distributor starts working their business.

Follow the steps to the Kick off meeting and if there is a Fast Start training from your company, go over that with them. PassionFire has a Fast Start Training as well if your mlm company does not have one.

The tools are VERY important. Go over all the tools with the new mlm distributor, and make sure they have an understanding of them.

Role play with the new mlm distributor with 3 way calling. This is a MUST! It will help create confidence in them and also show them the power in the 3 way..

Then plan their first exposure meeting, usually in their home, or a luncheon, or just setting appointments with the new distributor to go see people.

Go over this checklist with the new mlm distributor, and START THEM OFF RIGHT for MLM Success in Network Marketing.

MLM Training – The Secret Fear that Stops Most Network Marketing Success

It’s called CONDITIONING. Most of us in life have been conditioned for many things, and it happened as we were growing up. And this conditioning is focused more on FEAR than faith in most people’s lives. Fear is what I call the “Sabotage grenade” that blows up many a Success Dream in Network Marketing.

And there is a “stealth fear” that many struggle with unknowingly in MLM.

I have been in the Network Marketing industry for quite some time and have a lot of HUGE money earners as friends, and including my own success and my former upline’s success, they all agree that self sabotage is a killer in this industry.

Especially in Recruiting.

When you get into this industry, you are taught that you must go out and “get people” and build a group, and duplicate. And you teach others to do the same. Most never do.

The sad truth is, most never even start. Why? It is a generally accepted rule that most folks have a fear of REJECTION, and that stops a lot of folks.

Well, yes…but no.

A Shift in MLM Paradigms. What today’s article is going to attempt to do is change your paradigm on what really is the “stopper” and what creates the fear that so many people have, and cannot handle.

The REAL fear is one that is simply a result of Lack of Knowledge, and can be learned. Rejection is a killer in this business to many people, and that is true.

But here is a secret:


Rejection is a FRUIT of something, NOT the real problem. It is a RESULT, NOT a Catalyst.

Most folks see rejection as something like a HUGE DARK Storm Cloud getting ready to rain hail down upon them.

But folks, that is an illusion. I have the honor of coaching many folks, and have seen many people look at rejection as the BIG DEAL in MLM.

But when they realized what the REAL problem was, they were blown away. And it changed their perception of rejection, and how many times it can be avoided.

They learned certain strategies and tactics that changed their whole thinking about it.

So OK.

What is the REAL problem going on here?

Simple. It is not REJECTION that stops most people.


It is the FEAR of not being able to handle OBJECTIONS.

REJECTION is simply a fruit of OBJECTIONS, and show up when Objections are not properly handled, and when they are feared, and loathed.

Objections scare most people, because they never are trained how to properly NEUTRALIZE them, let alone just handle them.

They create a fear in folks that shows up in their MLM presentations, approaches, and even phone calls.

What would it be worth to you to NEVER again be scared of Objections, and reduce rejection a bunch? If you learn how to properly Neutralize Objections, so you DESTROY the objection, you will increase your confidence level in MLM HUGE! And your FEAR of REJECTION, will dwindle.

The Secret of Neutralizing MLM Objections. INFERNO Secret:

Your ability to Neutralize and not FEAR Objections, will be in direct proportion to your Fear of Rejection! Neutralizing Objections is so easy, and fun, and there are many ways to do it.

We have a new training series out called “The Objections Course” and will help you learn to laugh at objections, and not fear rejection. How do you get to that point? Many ways, and it is fun to see folks expressions when you automatically and professionally neutralize their objections.For the Objections Course 101 click here

Many are left speechless, because of your skill and mindset. Many see that their objection is simply not true.

And many agree with you in the end.

How do you do it? We will learn some ways in another article. But the greatest FEAR is not the fear of rejection, but the fear of OBJECTIONS and not knowing what to do and say, in MLM and Network Marketing.

Start looking at mlm objections as Network Marketing Business Building TOOLS, and merely as tools that you use to construct your business. It is easy to do, and also will create a new confidence within you that people can feel and hear in your words and actions.

If you learn how to look at Objections as “business building tools,” you will learn how to make objections work for you, not against you. And you will not have to ever worry about the fear of objections and objection sabotage again — the REAL FEAR –in your MLM and Network marketing business.

MLM Training – The Smartest People in the Room and Network Marketing

There is a film out called “The Smartest Men in the Room.” It is a documentary about the ENRON scandal. It is a jaw dropping expose about the ENRON deception and the house of cards they built.

We can all learn something from this debacle. And in Network Marketing, it is a great lesson for us all to learn.

This article is called “The Smartest People in the Room” as it is about the people that are TRULY smart in dealing with our industry. The question is, what makes these people smarter and more successful than the average person in MLM?


There are 5 things that we will call “Smart Traits” and if you operate your business with these traits, you will be one of the “smart ones” in the room, as well as one of the most successful eventually–never fails.

What makes the “Smartest People in the Room” so smart in Network Marketing?

1) A True Sense of Integrity.

Many people in the home business industry lack a True Sense of Integrity. They will compromise their standards for embellishing their check amount all in the name of “making it happen.” They will make statements that simply are not true and they know it. And they lack the integrity when it comes down to doing the right thing, or doing the thing that makes them more money in MLM.

The smartest people in the room do not stoop to that low of realm of business. They understand that lies are eventually found out, just as ENRON found out, and they do not want to risk that for the future. They tell the truth,and operate with total integrity, as they know that is the smart thing to do, and the right thing to create Wealth in Network Marketing.

Smartest people in the Room simply refuse to compromise their standards and integrity for a dollar. They are looking at the potential Gold, not just the dollar. And the only way you can attract the Gold mine is integrity in the heart.

2) They CARE more than the Average Person.

The Smartest People in the room care. They care about people, they care about their future, they care about the people’s paychecks more than their own.



The Smartest People in the Room have the most loyal mlm distributors. Most of their distributors would follow them to the moon.


Because they have helped their distributors accomplish in their life what they thought they never could, and cared for them and their future like no one ever has.

That alone welds them to the MLM Leader’s heart.

3) They Keep The Spotlight Focused on their People.

The Smartest People in the Room make it all about their people, not themselves. They understand that their people are their business, and they represent the future of their business.

People will do more for recognition than money. The Smartest people in the Room know that. So they stay behind the spotlight and keep it pointed on their people. They praise, recognize, and award those that deserve it, and those that are moving towards it.

They also know that builds loyalty and income. The Smartest people in the room are more loyal to their people than their people are to them. That is called smart mlm business.

4) A True Appreciation for their Relationships.

Don’t get stung by the hype masters in this business. This business is, and always will be a business of Relationships. The Smartest People in the Room know that, and appreciate their relationships.

They treat them like a fine piece of gold. They are that valuable to them.

They go out of their way to make them feel appreciated and special, and honored. They do extra things for their people at every opportunity to show them that they are loved.

Yes- you read that right.


The Smartest People in the Room love their Leaders and distributors. No one talks much about that word. But that is what it is, and the richest people in the room love their distributors.

Get over the word and start understanding what this business is all about.

5) A Pouring In Million Dollar Mentality.

The Smartest people in the Room have a Million Dollar Mentality. But not for themselves- but for their people in Network Marketing.

They make their people FEEL like a Million Dollars in all they do. they POUR INTO people constantly an enlarging spirit, and encouragement. They POUR INTO people Hope and Possibilities for a future they dare to dream of. And they POUR INTO people a belief that is magnetic.

They know that when their people feel like a Million Dollar that they will take that emotion to the marketplace, and spread it around in their presentations. Then they take it home and bring it to phone calls, and also to three ways, as well as all their actions in Network Marketing.

Simply, the Smartest People in the Room many times are looked upon with disdain by the hype masters. They are spoiling the “get it while you can” and “run and gun” and “throw it up against the wall and see what sticks” attitudes in this business. The Smartest People in the Room are doing something that most hype masters never will–

Respecting the person and treating them as an equal, not a potential paycheck.

Make the conversation all about the prospect or distributor, not about what they have done and “it’s all about me” focus.

Many times, the Smartest People in the Room are in the back of the room, with their people up front.

That is why the majority of time the Smartest People in the Room become rich.

They GET IT. They Truly Get It.

They understand what this business of MLM is truly about, and also what it is NOT about- themselves.

“I am not sure this would be right for you, and if it isn’t, then that’s ok. I only want what is best for you and your family.”

That is what I call “Smart Talk.”

You are smart to be up front, tell the truth, and let them know it may not be for them. But you can still talk to them about your products and services.

The hype masters never will get it. They are too many times too self absorbed.

You know what make the Smartest People in the Room so SMART?

It can be found in the word “SMART” itself.

SMART stands for — “Simply Make (it) All (about) Recognizing Them.”

And that goes for either the network marketing prospect or distributor.

When the Smartest People in the Room see the hype masters doing their “hype thing”, they smile, and quietly get back to building a mammoth business in MLM and Network marketing by making it all about everyone but themselves.

People are looking for people that can help them get to a better life, a better income, and a better future- through Integrity and basic Honesty. If you can do exactly that, they will follow you to the moon and beyond, and your Leaders will rarely leave you.

And THAT is where the real Wealth is in this industry. Building a long term army of consumers and Leaders that you have respected and honored, and in return, help you build a multi million dollar business that changes your life and income to a level that you now only dream of.

Are you one of the Smartest People in the Room?

If you are, you had better be getting you a bigger bank account and a good CPA. You are going to need it for your MLM and Network Marketing business.

MLM Training – The Ten Commandments of MLM Training

Here are the Ten Commandments of Network Marketing Training:

1) Thou shalt answer the question, “What do I do next?”

In MLM Training, the new distributor must know what he/she needs to do next. This simple question has stopped many future MLM superstars in our industry, as the new distributor will get frustrated if they do not know what comes next.

It is human nature for us to want to see the next road, the next highway. So you must let the distributor know what comes next, and then what comes next after that. This follows our culture. And if you answer this question, they will get a bigger picture in their mind of what needs to be done and go out and fo it.

If you do not answer this question in Network Marketing training, you will find that people will start trying to reinvent the wheel, and attempt actions that will untimately lead to failure.

2) Thou shalt make your training duplicable. Duplication is about teaching to teach.

Your MLM Training must be easy to teach, and understand. So many times, Network marketing Training is complicated, and cannot be remembered, let alone taught. It must be teachable by all, not just teachable by some. And the key to being teachable is simplicity. Also, the tasks and actions being taught to take in ths business must be duplicable as well. Complicated actions lead to complaining distributors.

MLM Training must be easy, simple, and teachable. To duplicate, you must teach Mary to teach Tom to teach Lou to teach Jodi to teach Roger to teach Dean to teach Susan. If this happens, then you will find that your training not only duplicating, but multiplying your team quickly.

3) Thou shalt have the tools and manuals for learning.

Network Marketing Training must have the tools to teach and the manuals to learn. Today’s Network Marketing Training must be multi media driven, and touch all the senses.

Tools are great for learning when the distributor has time on their own to review, and master the process. Tools also are good for going over the material over and over, and memorizing what needs to be learned, and internalized.

4) Thou shalt have training that cover all phases of working this business.

Great MLM Training contains trainings on getting started, prospecting, approaching, presenting, handling objections, following up, and getting the decison. Also there must be training on the company, products and compensation plan.

The trainings also must include retailing the product as well as recruiting new team members. If you have these topics covered, you have the makings of a great Network marketing training.

5) Thou shalt make the training automated.

In todays’ world, you must have an online training system. That is just reality. We live in a digital world, and a website society. If your training is not online, and available 24/7, you already are falling behind. Conference call training is a must as well as this will be another vehicle to learn from.

Great Network Marketing Training is automated with text, audio, some video, and easy to access and get to on the website. Make sure your training is accessible nationwide, or even worldwide to your group.

6) Thou shalt think Hansel and Gretel in the training process.

Hensel and Gretel is a fairy tale about kids that went into the woods, and left a trail of bread crumbs to follow back home. They wanted a step by step path to get back home. Great Network Marketing Training must be step by step to get the distributor back to the Success home.

Does your training have step by step process that can be copied, mapped out, and followed? Does it contain a pattern that can be copied, and become a cookie cutter pattern? This is how it is supposed to go. You MUST have a step by step path that is a natural path, and each step builds upon the next If you do, you will find so many more of your folks enjoying Success in MLM.

7) Thou shalt have Live Trainings and and Role Playing.

Great MLM Training has scheduled live teachings, usually on Saturday, and these are to teach, equip, and motivate. These events are good for focusing your group to laser focus, and even addressing questions about what you are training on. Plus it gets everyone together and spreads unity.

Role playing you must do as well with the new distributor. This gives them “artificial experience.” And it readies them for when they go live on the calls and conversations, and prepares them in a way that classroom learning cannot. I cannot express this strong enough. Role Playing Rules.

8) Thou shalt have new levels in the training growth of the distributor.

Great MLM Training contains “phases”, or “next levels” of growth. And usually they follow the path of “Basic training, “Advanced training,”, and “Leadership Training,” and even beyond that. We call that top level “Success Mastery training.”

Basic training is about how to do the business, including retailing, and recruiting. Advanced training is about how to build a downline, effectively and powerfully. And Leadership training is about how to build Leaders. This follows a natural growth pattern of the distributor, and gives them something to focus on for the future, and to aspire and reach for.

9) Thou shalt get the new distributor up and training as soon as possible.

People learn so much quicker what they teach, then what they just hear. There are portions of the new distributor training that can be done by a new person. Get each new distributor up and teaching by the first month. And experiential training is key as well. Get the folks in groups and let them role play and experience what it feels like to do this business. It will excite them and train them as well, and the new distributor can facilitate this easily.

Why get the new distributor training quickly?

New distributors have “new distributor energy.” It will get other excited and pumped. This also will build their confidence and put them in a pesudo Leadership role. Even if it is as simple as going over the company information, do it. It will propel them to a higher level of expectation, and self image in this business.

10) Thou shalt equip the distributor to master the training, and then let them do the training.

Your job is to get you out of the training business, and get back into the recruiting and building business. Good Network Marketing training will do this, and keep a fresh supply of new distributors learning and doing the trainings. If you have this happening, you will have accomplished duplication and mastery in MLM training.


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