
MLM Training – Top 10 MLM Holiday Recruiting Secrets

First off, get this:


REFUSE to participate this year in the slow down that most network marketers fall prey to. You do not have to, as we never did, and neither should you.

Here is a list of the top 10 things you can do for MLM Recruiting Success during the holidays:

1) Fruit baskets.

You can get inexpensive fruit baskets, and put your samples or coupons in, and decorate it in the colors of your network marketing company. Include an audio or dvd, and also an invite to a seminar that they can attend at no cost. Give them out to friends, neighbors, associates, clients, customers, and family. You will glad you did.

2) Holiday audio cards.

Send out with your Christmas cards a CD you recorded especially for that person, and wish them happy holidays, and then tell them you would love to chat with them the first of the year, as you want to give them the gift of success. This is a great way to introduce the concept of network marketing success to folks.

3) Hold a Holiday Customer appreciation luncheon or reception.

You can do this at your home. Simply invite your best mlm customers to a holiday appreciation event, and make them the superstars of it. Have small gifts for them, and let them know how much you appreciate their business, and then ask them the first of the year for 2 referrals. You will get them from every single person who was at that event.

4) Holiday Upline Open House.

If you have an organization, you should either open your house, or someone who has a sizeable home, and invite your mlm distributors to an open House. Have them bring guests, and have a party that celebrates the holidays, but is sponsored by your company. Let it be a fun social with music and games, and then connect with the guest to follow up with in January.

5) Miniature Christmas Tree gift.

Get some small, miniature Christmas trees (usually at a dept store) that can sit on a table, and then attach product samples and your card to it, and then take it to your local bank as a gift, your CPA, your dentist, doctor, real estate agent, and whoever else you know that has an office. Have free coupons on the small tree to try your service or product, and have some fun visiting your friends.

6) Mall blitz.

Go to a mall on saturday, and see how many people you can start a conversation with, and then give them a card or CD. Talk to them about their kids, what they are doing for Christmas, the weather, the crowds, etc. See if you can collect 10 names, and do it in teams. The team that collects the most names, the other teams, have to buy them lunch or dinner.

7) Neighborhood Holiday mailer.

Go to the library, and look in the cross reference index for your address. You will notice there are a ton more in that index that are in your neighborhood. Make a copy of the addresses, as they are your neighbors, and then send them a Christmas card introducing yourself as the ABC neighborhood rep, and wish them a Merry Chrismas and Happy new year. Then follow up in January and see if you can set an appointment to chat with them about your products. Telephone numbers are inlcuded on the cross index reference guides found in your library. You are their neighbor, and that gives you some instant connection with them.

8) Give away “As a man Thinketh” books by James Allen.

You can get this paperback book very inexpensively, and give out to prospects, and you truly are giving the “gift of success.” This little book changed my life, and millions of others. You can also find free ebooks online that folks can download. This is a great gift to give folks that you meet, as it truly is an eye opening book, and will be appreciated, and you will be remembered.

9) Visit Community Holiday Functions.

CONNECT! CONNECT! CONNECT! You need to connect to new prospects during the holidays, and community functions are a great way to do this. Get out and become a “holiday networking machine.” Network and meet people and make new friends and give away something to them as a holiday gift. Make sure every person you talk to has a gift and your card, and you have some form of contact info as well. There are a TON of folks at community event- BE THERE. Check your sunday newspaper for where these events are.

10) The Holiday Success Card.

Send people you know, and also prospects a seasonal card, and include within it an article about success, goal setting, leadership, time management, or any other success oriented topic. This not only will set you apart, but also will set you above, as Success is a gift rarely given, and people love these types of reading to improve next year.

These are just a few of the many ways that you can rock your mlm business during the holidays. Pick one, and start with that.

You will be glad you did, and suprised at what might happen in your MLM and Network marketing business.

MLM Recruiting Training – The Ultimate Objective in MLM Recruiting

But I think that in order to put all of the techniques and tactics out there being espoused into perspective, (and yes, I am an espousee — is that a word??? smile, ) it would really make a lot of sense to know what your Ultimate Objective is in Network Marketing. Would you agree?

I sent out over 1000 emails asking a single question:

“What is the Ultimate Objective in MLM Recruiting?” And they went out over a period of 4 months. We got a lot of response, and some was amazingly off base in it’s answers.

Here is the breakdown as close as we could get it:

37% said that the Ultimate objective was to get a paycheck.
26% said that it was build a downline.
22% said it was to create financial security.
8% said it was to help people. (Great Answer!)

And the rest fell in differing answers.

Now folks, 63% said that the Ultimate Objective was to either get a paycheck or build a downline. Those are 2 VERY obvious results, but they are fruits of reaching your objective, not the objective itself.

When I was starting, my team got off to a blazing fast start and a blazing fast crash, because we lost sight of our Ultimate Objective in Network Marketing.

I had the honor of working with some folks in Canada, and one person in particular I’ll call him Frank, was doing all the right things, but was not getting the results he wanted.


He had lost sight of the Ultimate Objective of MLM recruiting.

And when he finally “Got It,” his business exploded.

The same thing happened out in Colorado Springs. I’ll call him “Dick”. He was struggling for the longest time, but when he saw and “Got It,” and focused on the Ultimate objective, his business exploded. Now he earns a 6-figure income. I am so proud of his success. He truly deserves it.

Whenever you do trainings or writings, some folks will “Get It,” others take some time and still some others never get it, as that is just the way the ball bounces.

But for those who are ready to “Get It” and explode your business with a little paradigm shift, you have come to the right place.

I have seen businesses literally explode in 90 days once this Ultimate Objective was understood and internalized then duplicated. And your business can, and will too.

So what is the Ultimate Objective of MLM Recruiting?

Collecting Decisions.

Not getting a paycheck, or building a downline, but collecting decisions. Plain and simple, and the truth.


You can prospect, approach, present, follow up and follow up some more, but if you do not collect the decision from people, you will be a nice person doing a lot of work in MLM and making NO money.

If you don’t FINISH what you started, you will never create a finish worth having.

Collecting Decisions is where you make your money, and doesn’t matter if it’s a yes or no you make money with every decision.

If they say yes, you make a commission and override on your downline. (Result) But if you get a No:


You still have gotten paid by sharpening your skills with that person, and remember:

Paychecks are temporary — skills are permanent.

The REAL value in this business is in the permanence. Ask any Networker Millionaire.

If you sharpen your skills to Razor Sharp, you can go anywhere in the world, and make a fortune with this Industry. Now THAT is career security!!!

So I have one question…

How many decisions did YOU collect today?

Your Ultimate Objective in MLM is to collect a LOT of decisions.

As my friend Jeff Roberti (50 Million dollar earner in this industry) says:

“I was no different from anybody else when I started except for one thing: I went out to collect a million dollars worth of No’s.”

That is called a HUGE CLUE!

MLM Recruiting – Are You Recruiting The Wrong People into Network Marketing?

What in the world is going on?

Ever happened to you?

Man, when I first got in this network marketing business, I had that happen a lot, and it was really frustrating, and quite discouraging.


I discovered something that helped me tremendously in my mlm recruiting efforts. And if you GET IT, then it will help you see that maybe you have been too liberal or not careful enough in your mlm recruiting selection.


Being SELECTIVE in your network marketing recruiting will eliminate a LOT of heartache and frustration and bringing in the wrong people and expecting them to explode, and they only fizzle out. That is tough.

Recruiting Separation

MLM Recruiting has always been and always will be a SEPARATING process: A process that separates the people who are open to a new idea from those who are not. Those are the only two types of folks that exist. Ones that embrace looking new ideas, and ones who resist them. Many times, folks who are CONVINCED to come into the business, but yet are not really sold on the idea of Network Marketing, fizzle out quickly.

And there is a reason why they are like that, and that happens:

It is called PHILOSOPHY.


All MLM recruiting is in a nutshell is looking for folks who are of the same philosophy that we are, and if they are not, make them a customer and get referrals.

Network marketing is a philosophy of personal growth, increase, success, helping others, making a difference, wanting the BEST out of life, and being open to new ideas and cutting-edge thinking.

Most folks are not even close to that, they simply drift through life. Why should it be any different in this mlm business? They simply drift through MLM.

My friend Richard Brooke, (Mach II with Your Hair on Fire author and CEO of Oxyfresh) says that network marketing is simply Personal Development disguised as a business.


It all boils down to philosophy, and the question is: are you recruiting people that share that same philosophy, or people who really don’t?

Last 5 People Your Recruited.

Look at the last five people you have recruited.

What have they done? Anything?

Are they working diligently?

Are they growing? Or are they stagnating, like a pond that has no fresh water in it?

Do they have a philosophy of working hard or hardly working?

Do they show up for everything or put down anything?

Do they give a good effort or a bad excuse?

You need to start looking for people who have the same focus, desires and philosophy as you:

People who have a focus on the future, not on the past.

People who have a focus of increase, not decrease.

People who have a desire to grow, not to gripe.

People who have a desire to change, not to stagnate.

People who really care, not try to con.

People who have the philosophy of Win/Win, not When?/When? (CLUE!)

Check out who you are recruiting and ask them one question:

“What is your philosophy about success?”

Their answer will reveal a lot about their chances in this mlm business.

Oh I know, the “throw it up against the wall and see who sticks” crowd will not give a hoot about this article! But it really is a whole lot easier to build a business with folks with the right philosophy, and the right heart. (CLUE!)

Vision Match.

Why do you think the attrition and drop out rate for downlines is so high industry-wide?

It just makes sense to have a “Vision Match” with your new mlm recruit. They share the same Vision as you and a like perspective about success in life.

If you recruit those kinds of folks, you don’t have to keep re-building your downline over and over and over.

Are you recruiting the wrong people in MLM? Start looking for the people that want to move ahead and get on in life, and recruit those into Network Marketing.

It will change your whole world, and especially your MLM recruiting.

MLM Recruiting – What People are Looking for and Why They Can be Recruited

Whether you are online, or offline, (and again, still, almost 90% of all recruiting takes place offline.) This article will help give you an idea that literally exploded my business once I learned it, and I was blessed with a SCORCHING recruiting ratio for years and years in Network Marketing.

What is “Recruiting Beyond the MLM Business?”

Before we get to that, let’s go over what we at PassionFire call “The Empowerment Void” in most folk’s lives.

What is that?

Learn This next Axiom of MLM Recruiting, and change your own life as well as others.

Most people, go their whole life without once ever being told they could truly succeed, that they had it in them to do great things, and worse, no one has ever taken the time to show them they care enough to help or show them how.

And most people today are STARVING for someone to help them get beyond where they are in life — in debt up to their eyeballs, and going on a treadmill of repeated mistakes that they just cannot seem to break.

They are looking beyond where they are now to try to do something with their life. That’s where you come in and an MLM home business.

We teach that you must in recruiting touch a person’s heart before they will touch your application. People want to feel good about their life, future, and working with you.

That is why you must “Recruit Beyond the MLM Business.” That’s where their true interest lies, not working with you, as much as you working with them to help them get out of the “Rut Jungle” and rat race.

How do you do it?

With your Focus.

Focus on what the Network Marketing business can bring to their life, beyond the business. You must bring to their life a Vision BIGGER than the business!!! What would that be?

A Radical, Life changing, revelation so powerful they will never be the same Vision that motivates them to go on a life Changing Crusade!

Or something so simple as:

The difference in their thinking it will make.

The difference in their Personal growth it will make.

The Increase in Self Esteem it will make.

What it can bring to their life financially.

The Learning that will occur to help them in their Passion.

What they can teach their kids to give them a better chance at having a great life.

How their perception of what can happen in their life will change.

And most important: The Person they want to become, they WILL become, through the growth, maturing, and increase in ALL aspects of their life. Through what they will Learn, Ignite, and Evolve into with your Network Marketing business.

Ask them: “If you learned to handle people better, how would that help you in Life?”

‘If you became a more disciplined person, would that help you in Life?”

“If you became a more Powerful communicator, what difference would that make?”

The 5 Power Words to MLM Recruiting. And the “5 Power Words of Vision in MLM Recruiting:

“Imagine the feeling of this:” (Name a Benefit…)

“Imagine the feeling of People being riveted to what you have to say because they want to Listen due to HOW you are saying it. How would that feel?”

“Imagine the feeling of being in a Position to have the resources to help a great friend in need. How would that feel?”

“Imagine the feeling of knowing absolutely nothing could stop you if you decided to do succeed at something. How would that help you?”

People would follow you to the moon if you are Sincere, Authentic, and Truly Care about taking the Time to help Put their Life on Track to Their Dreams and what they View as Success.Fowerful MLM Recruiting Tool: “The Entrance Recruiting CD”

Too many people are “Recruiting Beyond Their Bank Account.” They are focused on what that person can bring to their bank Account, verses what they can bring to that person’s life.

True. Money drives a lot of the business. But would you rather CHASE the Money, or ATTRACT it?

MLM Millionaire’s Secret.

MLM Millionaires in this Business didn’t Chase the Money. It was Attracted to them. Through Helping others. (Yes, I know their are exceptions, and Mean Spirited people do exist, but as a general rule.) That is what Recruiting MagneTechs(sm) is all about.

Learning the Power of ATTRACTING Success, Not Chasing It.

And people are attracted like a magnet on steroids to a BETTER, BIGGER, and BOUNTIFUL Life.

And recruiting Beyond the Business in Summary is this:

Show How your Business can help people in their Life, with Results and benefits beyond the Network Marketing Business.

If you just caught what i just wrote, your paycheck will be growing beyond your dreams in MLM and Network Marketing Recruiting..