MLM Training – The Smartest People in the Room and Network Marketing
There is a film out called “The Smartest Men in the Room.” It is a documentary about the ENRON scandal. It is a jaw dropping expose about the ENRON deception and the house of cards they built.
We can all learn something from this debacle. And in Network Marketing, it is a great lesson for us all to learn.
This article is called “The Smartest People in the Room” as it is about the people that are TRULY smart in dealing with our industry. The question is, what makes these people smarter and more successful than the average person in MLM?
There are 5 things that we will call “Smart Traits” and if you operate your business with these traits, you will be one of the “smart ones” in the room, as well as one of the most successful eventually–never fails.
What makes the “Smartest People in the Room” so smart in Network Marketing?
1) A True Sense of Integrity.
Many people in the home business industry lack a True Sense of Integrity. They will compromise their standards for embellishing their check amount all in the name of “making it happen.” They will make statements that simply are not true and they know it. And they lack the integrity when it comes down to doing the right thing, or doing the thing that makes them more money in MLM.
The smartest people in the room do not stoop to that low of realm of business. They understand that lies are eventually found out, just as ENRON found out, and they do not want to risk that for the future. They tell the truth,and operate with total integrity, as they know that is the smart thing to do, and the right thing to create Wealth in Network Marketing.
Smartest people in the Room simply refuse to compromise their standards and integrity for a dollar. They are looking at the potential Gold, not just the dollar. And the only way you can attract the Gold mine is integrity in the heart.
2) They CARE more than the Average Person.
The Smartest People in the room care. They care about people, they care about their future, they care about the people’s paychecks more than their own.
The Smartest People in the Room have the most loyal mlm distributors. Most of their distributors would follow them to the moon.
Because they have helped their distributors accomplish in their life what they thought they never could, and cared for them and their future like no one ever has.
That alone welds them to the MLM Leader’s heart.
3) They Keep The Spotlight Focused on their People.
The Smartest People in the Room make it all about their people, not themselves. They understand that their people are their business, and they represent the future of their business.
People will do more for recognition than money. The Smartest people in the Room know that. So they stay behind the spotlight and keep it pointed on their people. They praise, recognize, and award those that deserve it, and those that are moving towards it.
They also know that builds loyalty and income. The Smartest people in the room are more loyal to their people than their people are to them. That is called smart mlm business.
4) A True Appreciation for their Relationships.
Don’t get stung by the hype masters in this business. This business is, and always will be a business of Relationships. The Smartest People in the Room know that, and appreciate their relationships.
They treat them like a fine piece of gold. They are that valuable to them.
They go out of their way to make them feel appreciated and special, and honored. They do extra things for their people at every opportunity to show them that they are loved.
Yes- you read that right.
The Smartest People in the Room love their Leaders and distributors. No one talks much about that word. But that is what it is, and the richest people in the room love their distributors.
Get over the word and start understanding what this business is all about.
5) A Pouring In Million Dollar Mentality.
The Smartest people in the Room have a Million Dollar Mentality. But not for themselves- but for their people in Network Marketing.
They make their people FEEL like a Million Dollars in all they do. they POUR INTO people constantly an enlarging spirit, and encouragement. They POUR INTO people Hope and Possibilities for a future they dare to dream of. And they POUR INTO people a belief that is magnetic.
They know that when their people feel like a Million Dollar that they will take that emotion to the marketplace, and spread it around in their presentations. Then they take it home and bring it to phone calls, and also to three ways, as well as all their actions in Network Marketing.
Simply, the Smartest People in the Room many times are looked upon with disdain by the hype masters. They are spoiling the “get it while you can” and “run and gun” and “throw it up against the wall and see what sticks” attitudes in this business. The Smartest People in the Room are doing something that most hype masters never will–
Respecting the person and treating them as an equal, not a potential paycheck.
Make the conversation all about the prospect or distributor, not about what they have done and “it’s all about me” focus.
Many times, the Smartest People in the Room are in the back of the room, with their people up front.
That is why the majority of time the Smartest People in the Room become rich.
They GET IT. They Truly Get It.
They understand what this business of MLM is truly about, and also what it is NOT about- themselves.
“I am not sure this would be right for you, and if it isn’t, then that’s ok. I only want what is best for you and your family.”
That is what I call “Smart Talk.”
You are smart to be up front, tell the truth, and let them know it may not be for them. But you can still talk to them about your products and services.
The hype masters never will get it. They are too many times too self absorbed.
You know what make the Smartest People in the Room so SMART?
It can be found in the word “SMART” itself.
SMART stands for — “Simply Make (it) All (about) Recognizing Them.”
And that goes for either the network marketing prospect or distributor.
When the Smartest People in the Room see the hype masters doing their “hype thing”, they smile, and quietly get back to building a mammoth business in MLM and Network marketing by making it all about everyone but themselves.
People are looking for people that can help them get to a better life, a better income, and a better future- through Integrity and basic Honesty. If you can do exactly that, they will follow you to the moon and beyond, and your Leaders will rarely leave you.
And THAT is where the real Wealth is in this industry. Building a long term army of consumers and Leaders that you have respected and honored, and in return, help you build a multi million dollar business that changes your life and income to a level that you now only dream of.
Are you one of the Smartest People in the Room?
If you are, you had better be getting you a bigger bank account and a good CPA. You are going to need it for your MLM and Network Marketing business.
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