opgraderes pr. 17.-18. januar 2015! opgraderes pr. 17.-18. januar 2015!

På gensyn snarest :-)

Vi forventet at være færdige ultimo februar 2015.


Hårdt arbejde

Mange selvstændige arbejder både meget og hårdt, for at oppebære en rimelig indtægt. Nogle brænder måske ud efter en årrække, eller mister deres selvværd. Måske fordi de ofte, selv i succesen, er på jagt efter nye kunder. Imidlertid kunne det godt være anderledes. I stedet for at arbejde fx 40-80 timer om ugen, kunne man etablere en residual indkomst, og dermed vælge kun at skulle arbejde, når og så længe man havde lyst, fx 10-15 timer om ugen – og samtidig oppebære en fornuftig indtægt. Det giver mere frihed og større arbejdsglæde.

Jeg selv har allerede hjulpet flere en 250 mennesker med at få sig en residual indkomst. Jeg bliver ved med at hjælpe mennesker, fordi jeg synes, at det er sjovt, givtigt og meningsfyldt. I nogle sammenhænge gør jeg det gratis, og i andre tager jeg penge for min vejledning.
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Mere tid

Jeg spurgte en af mine venner, hvor meget tid han brugte på sit arbejde. Da han talte timerne sammen, gik det op for ham, at han brugte flere timer sammen med sin chef, kollegaer og medarbejdere, end sammen med sin familie og venner. Hvis man bruger så meget tid på sit arbejde, så skulle det også helst være den bedste tid, ikke?

Tim Ferris beskriver residual indkomst i sin bog “4-timers arbejdsuge”, men det behøver ikke at være så forceret og amerikansk, som han anviser. Min erfaring er, at der er andre mere rolige, lette og “europæiske” tilgange, som kan virke mere tilgængelige.
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MLM Training – Top 10 MLM Holiday Recruiting Secrets

First off, get this:


REFUSE to participate this year in the slow down that most network marketers fall prey to. You do not have to, as we never did, and neither should you.

Here is a list of the top 10 things you can do for MLM Recruiting Success during the holidays:

1) Fruit baskets.

You can get inexpensive fruit baskets, and put your samples or coupons in, and decorate it in the colors of your network marketing company. Include an audio or dvd, and also an invite to a seminar that they can attend at no cost. Give them out to friends, neighbors, associates, clients, customers, and family. You will glad you did.

2) Holiday audio cards.

Send out with your Christmas cards a CD you recorded especially for that person, and wish them happy holidays, and then tell them you would love to chat with them the first of the year, as you want to give them the gift of success. This is a great way to introduce the concept of network marketing success to folks.

3) Hold a Holiday Customer appreciation luncheon or reception.

You can do this at your home. Simply invite your best mlm customers to a holiday appreciation event, and make them the superstars of it. Have small gifts for them, and let them know how much you appreciate their business, and then ask them the first of the year for 2 referrals. You will get them from every single person who was at that event.

4) Holiday Upline Open House.

If you have an organization, you should either open your house, or someone who has a sizeable home, and invite your mlm distributors to an open House. Have them bring guests, and have a party that celebrates the holidays, but is sponsored by your company. Let it be a fun social with music and games, and then connect with the guest to follow up with in January.

5) Miniature Christmas Tree gift.

Get some small, miniature Christmas trees (usually at a dept store) that can sit on a table, and then attach product samples and your card to it, and then take it to your local bank as a gift, your CPA, your dentist, doctor, real estate agent, and whoever else you know that has an office. Have free coupons on the small tree to try your service or product, and have some fun visiting your friends.

6) Mall blitz.

Go to a mall on saturday, and see how many people you can start a conversation with, and then give them a card or CD. Talk to them about their kids, what they are doing for Christmas, the weather, the crowds, etc. See if you can collect 10 names, and do it in teams. The team that collects the most names, the other teams, have to buy them lunch or dinner.

7) Neighborhood Holiday mailer.

Go to the library, and look in the cross reference index for your address. You will notice there are a ton more in that index that are in your neighborhood. Make a copy of the addresses, as they are your neighbors, and then send them a Christmas card introducing yourself as the ABC neighborhood rep, and wish them a Merry Chrismas and Happy new year. Then follow up in January and see if you can set an appointment to chat with them about your products. Telephone numbers are inlcuded on the cross index reference guides found in your library. You are their neighbor, and that gives you some instant connection with them.

8) Give away “As a man Thinketh” books by James Allen.

You can get this paperback book very inexpensively, and give out to prospects, and you truly are giving the “gift of success.” This little book changed my life, and millions of others. You can also find free ebooks online that folks can download. This is a great gift to give folks that you meet, as it truly is an eye opening book, and will be appreciated, and you will be remembered.

9) Visit Community Holiday Functions.

CONNECT! CONNECT! CONNECT! You need to connect to new prospects during the holidays, and community functions are a great way to do this. Get out and become a “holiday networking machine.” Network and meet people and make new friends and give away something to them as a holiday gift. Make sure every person you talk to has a gift and your card, and you have some form of contact info as well. There are a TON of folks at community event- BE THERE. Check your sunday newspaper for where these events are.

10) The Holiday Success Card.

Send people you know, and also prospects a seasonal card, and include within it an article about success, goal setting, leadership, time management, or any other success oriented topic. This not only will set you apart, but also will set you above, as Success is a gift rarely given, and people love these types of reading to improve next year.

These are just a few of the many ways that you can rock your mlm business during the holidays. Pick one, and start with that.

You will be glad you did, and suprised at what might happen in your MLM and Network marketing business.

MLM Training – Will This Be an Entrance or an Exit in Network Marketing?

We have doors in our homes, in our cars, and just about everywhere else we go. Doors are a part of our daily life, and our direct-selling Network Marketing business.

You may not realize it, but you have a door you walk through every morning, and everyone on the planet walks through that door. This door is one that is a little different from any other door you face in your day. This door is invisible. Each day when you wake up, you have two invisible doors facing you, before your feet ever hit the floor.

They have been there all your life, and can impact and affect your life beyond anything I could ever write or talk about. These doors are powerful entrances to life and all that goes with it. These doors are special, as they have writing on them in big, bold letters.

One door has “Success” written on it, and the other door has “Struggle” written on it. One door leads to a life of success, wealth, and treasure overflow. The other door leads to a life of struggle, worry, and survival. Both doors are entrances to where your life and mlm business is headed, and what you can expect out of today.

If you walk through the door of Success daily, then you have entered a life of success. If you walk through the door of Struggle, then you have entered a life and world of struggle.

“IN Network Marketing, every morning, you have a chance to walk into a world and life that most people only dream of.”

Most people today walk through the door of Struggle in their home business. Why does this happen? It is a learned behavior. We are programmed to think a certain way, view things a certain way, expect things in a certain way, and to take action in a certain way. All of these things were learned from what we heard growing up.

Many times, we are taught that the door of Struggle is “just the way it is, that’s life,” and there is no alternative to that door. There is an alternative, and it is an entrance that many people have chosen to walk through daily. They have let go of the learned sayings that dominate most people’s lives.

What are those sayings? You know, the ones we all grew up hearing:

“Do you think money grows on trees?”
“What do you think I’m made of, money?”
“We cannot afford that.”
“If you don’t wish for much, you won’t be disappointed.”
“Hold on to what you got. You may not get anymore.”
“Times are tight.”
“Life is tough.”
“We never seem to be able to get ahead.”

You have a chance to awake each day with Network Marketing and walk into a world and life that most people only dream of, if you decide to. It is a world that is soaked with possibilities and hope. This entrance leads to the lifestyle that everyone dreams of, but few ever live. It can become a part of your life, if you decide to walk through that door. Your life will change beyond recognition. Why? You will change beyond recognition.

What lies behind the Success door is a life-changing power, and a life-changing way of thinking. That is why most people in direct selling do not succeed like they could have–they were walking though the wrong door. Whichever door you are walking through in the morning, is where your life and business are headed.

Choosing Your Door

Tomorrow morning in your MLM business, when you wake up, you will face two doors. One has Success written on it, and the other has Struggle written on it. Which doorknob is your hand going to reach for? Which entrance are you going to walk through? Which world is going to be yours tomorrow–Success or Struggle?

People respond to you in this business from what they perceive. Do they perceive you as headed straight to Success or straight to Struggle? That all depends on the entrance that you walk through each morning.

Your thoughts are the keys that open either an exit from Success, or the entrance to it. The decision is yours for your MLM and Network Marketing business

Motivation Success Training – Success Power found in dead Dream Seeds




Self Doubt.







The list of pain in life goes on and on and on that kills any Motivation.

BUT– there is Good News!!!!!

At times during your day you will feel a little piece of you inside almost “dieing” from someone’s words, anger, criticism, and the like.


A seed of Motivation and Success has to die in order to create the growth.

Are you aware of that?

A seed has to die to create the catalyst for the new growth to shoot forth.

Life is like that too. It teaches you lessons about growth from the seeds it plants in you daily.

And with the Morning coming, you will know that it is a brand new day and that yesterday has planted it’s seeds, and now you wait for the growth and motivation that will take place to propel you to greater heights of Success.

Life hurts at times.

We know that.

But when a little piece of you inside feels like it could die, due to pain from other folks…

Let it die, and the growth of a better and wiser person will shoot up from that seed of hurt someone planted yesterday.

Let it contain the life source of Motivation.

It may not sprout overnight, but it WILL grow.

And you WILL get through what you are currently facing, whatever seed that is..and no matter how painful, how strong.

I promise.

Been There

Done that.

Got the T-shirt.

I’m still here.

Motivation Training – The Success Secret of the Size of Your Game


How bad do you really want to succeed in life and how muhc are you motivated to do so??

Think about it.

How bad? A little? A lot? No motivation?

Another question:

Are you willing to fight for it?

Are you willing to go the distance like you never have before, and bring out that fight in you
that has been beaten down for so long? Are you motivated to fight against mediocrity and failure?

Do you realize the only fight you have with being motivated for Success is yourself? That’s it.

Remember this:

ALL Defeat comes from within.


No exceptions.

The only person who can stop you from becoming successful is YOU.

Motivational Success Secret:

YOU FIGHT YOU all day long with untruths about yourself that came from others, and attracts failure and mediocrity like a magnet on steroids.

The words you say. The thoughts you think. The words others say and you believe. Your
Past which you cling to, and the excuses you have embraced.

But yet you want more out of life.

you know what the word FIGHT stands for?

Forcing Inside Garbage Honor Truth.

The truth about you. The truth about what your Creator wants for your life. The truth about
the greatness inside of you and the Fight that is starving and motivated to Pummell mediocrity and failure to

It’s there. You know it is. It’s just dormant.

Increase the size of the fight in you and face the Success truth about yourself. There is a Bigger YOU inside that can create a destiny and future that’s staggering if you let it, and let the Motivated Fighting Spirit in you refuse to give up or be denied.

He did.

He came home, slammed the books down on the table, ran upstairs, slammed the door and broke down and cried. It was his 9th grade year.

His mother came in, and said..”Son, what’s wrong?”

Through a 15 year’s old broken heart, he said-” I got cut…I didn’t make the team. Coach said I was too small”

With incredible wisdom, the mother said..” Son, always remember this — it’s not the size of the person in the game, it’s the size of the game in the person.”

She left.

It clicked. In a huge way. Like nothing had ever before.

The next morning:

It started.

He got up at 4:30 am and started practicing every morning, every evening, every day.

Every week, every month. Relentless. Nonstop.

His Fight had Ignited. He would not be denied.

Through the snow — rain — sleet — ice — wind –hail. He kept practicing. He gave up movies
and things that he did before. The Success Fight kept getting bigger. And bigger. And Bigger.

And he kept saying to himslef, “It’s not the size of the player in the game, but the size of the game in the player.”

Over,and Over,and Over.

And then it came around again.

The Season.

He tried out. With a focus so strong and motivated, that it intimidated even the coach. His Fight was at Peak Force. And he made the team.

The next year he made the team.

And he went on to Explode the fight in him to where noone dared to stop him, and no one could.

He set record, after record, after record, from that point forward.

His name?

Michael Jordan.

What’s the size of your game?

The MLM Leadership Secret




Brush your teeth?

Roll back over?

Doesn’t really matter.

Odds are you have been doing it for years, and have gotten quite good at it.

You have been displaying MLM PersonaLeadership(sm)in your life,and it has proven to get you to where you need to go every morning.

Do you realize that it can also get you to where you want to go in this Network Marketing business as well?

Thee 3 Types of Leadership in MLM:

1) Personal -Leading YOU.

2) Formal (group)-Leading Groups.

3) MLM Mentoring -Leading and Building Individuals.

MLM PersonaLeadership is the KEY to your success in Network Marketing, as it builds your other Leadership skills as you go.


If you cannot Lead you, you cannot lead others.

There 3 things that you must develop in your MLM PersonaLeadership quest:

1) The Disclipline to Start.

2) The Conviction to Continue.

3) The Resolve to Complete.

Most rarely get past numbers 1 and 2.

MLM PersonaLeadership requires you to START everyday the process of this business. And you MUST know THE MAGNET that pulls you and propels you past the starting line.


What you want MLM to bring into your life…your Why.

Why are you doing MLM and Network Marketing?

Many don’t really know, and because of that, they wander aimlessly trying to figure this business out. But it really is simple–it is about Leadership. Plain and simple. Your why helps you get through the hard times, as it pushes you through the frustration mentally, and psychologically.

MLM PersonaLeadership requires you to Continue through adversity and hardships. This is where most PersonaLeadership jumps ship, never to return.


Their WHY simply was not strong enough, their dream was not big enough, and they did not want it bad enough.

And PersonaLeadership requires you to Complete what you started:

The Will to Win.

The Passion to Produce.

The Courage to Contimue.

The Power to Empower.

The Fire to Forge On, until done.

You do this everyday, with your Life Skills you have developed. You can do the same thing with your MLM skills.


One baby step at a time.

We call it “Divide and Conquer.”

Divide your Daily business routine into baby steps and then with your PersonaLeadership you have already come to master, Start, Continue and Complete, with Discipline, Conviction, and Resolve.

Network Marketing is simply a course on PersonaLeadership and Personal Development.


Network Marketing introduces YOU to the REAL YOU.

Work on Leading yourself, step by step, baby success by baby success. And understand: It’s the small personal daily tasks that you do in your business that create the HUGE results everyone longs for.

This business is built with the small,routine tasks, done consistently, through the Incredible Power of PersonaLeadership in MLM and Network Marketing.

MLM Training – Tapping into the MLM Success Power of Your Upline

They all have the opportunity to make some money off of your network marketing efforts, and you need to know who they are, and what they have accomplished.

They are your SUPPORT TEAM as they have a vested interest in your MLM Success in Network Marketing. Use them for your Success and theirs as well.

What you need to do, is send each of them an email. Contact your sponsor and get their emails and telephone numbers and send them a letter introducing yourself.


They can help you, train you, give you their insight from their mistakes, and generally help you with their experience for network marketing success.

There are some questions that I recommend asking your upline:

“What help create the success you have in your group?”

“What is the most important thing I can do right now to get my business started and why?”

“If you were me, what conference calls do I need to be on?”

“What made you decide to join our company and why?”

“What is the way that you keep motivated?”

“What one success secret is there to this business that has helped you the most?”

“How can I help be a part of the team and contribute?”

“Can I volunteer to do things and when?”

“What drives you to succeed?”

“What is the ONE Secret to Success in Network Marketing?”

These are the type of questions that an upline will appreciate..but understand:


The more VISIBLE you are to your upline, the more help and assistance you will probably get.

Make yourself known with your actions, help, and interest in what is going on with the company and team…PLUS get some quick Results.

BECOME A LEADER from the start. Don’t wait on people to call on you, or your mlm upline to recognize you.


BE PROACTIVE. And them some more. Let your upline know there is a Network Marketing WINNER and LEADER in the making in their downline. SHOW THEM you are a diamond in the rough!

Make a list of all your upline that gets paid on you and make it a priority to stay in touch and use them for building your business.

Yes, I know.

There are some uplines that have an Over-inflated Sense of Self Importance. (sigh.)

If you don’t get a response from them, understand that they have “Celebrityitis” and ignore them. They have their heads up their egos and cannot really help you.

Make a decision today that you WILL BECOME A LEADER, and will be part of the MLM Leadership Team.


NOTHING gets the attention of your upline and the company like NEW VOLUME!

Become known for your RESULTS! THAT is a HUGE secret.


RESULTS RULE. Period. With your upline and mlm company.

Also ask your upline what books they are reading and what tapes they are listening to. Study this business like a business, and keep learning.


There are some folks out there that think that they have all the answers, and if it didn’t come from them or the company, it cannot be any good.

That is a valid point to some degree as you must protect the culture of the company, and your upline should be careful of training that doesn’t stay on the company message and vision.

But a lot of the training out there is really good, and I personally have learned a lot from the trainers in the Network Marketing industry.

In PassionFire, we have a list of the top sites whose training ROCKS!

Look them up and visit their sites.

Get to know your upline, and let them know who you are.

BECOME VERY VISIBLE…and as your mlm success grows you will be glad you did for your MLM and Network Marketing business!

MLM Training – The 5 BLAZING Secrets to SCORCHING MLM Training

Network marketing training is imperative. You must have good training on many subjects, including Recruiting, Retailing, Prospecting, Contacting, Presenting, Getting the Decision, and Building a group. Those are just the start of a solid MLM Training program.

But I have found after 22 years in this industry, that there are 5 main things that a great MLM Training program needs. Many folks who could have been superstars in the Direct Marketing industry never were, because of weak training. It had no FIRE in it, and no pattern to follow. And as you grow in MLM, there is more to learn as you build your business. That is why a SCORCHING Training program is a MUST at the beginning.

Let me be clear about something. There is a difference between Training and education. Education is classroom instruction. Training is in the trenches. It SHOWS the distributor what needs to be done, not just tell what needs to be done. So FIRST comes the education in a classroom style teaching,(can be in a hotel or living room) then comes the trenches and showing them how it is done LIVE. All great training is done in this way, and it is a powerful way to empower your Network Marketing Business. It is a SCORCHING 1-2 Punch.

What are the 5 things SCORCHING Training should have?

1) A Duplicable Process.

This is common sense, and we have all heard it before. You need to have a step by step process that is easy to follow, and is a PATTERN that new folks can follow, and learn. We live in a sequenced based world, and we follow a sequence in everything we do. That is why that the process needs to be sequenced, so it can be duplicable. If you cannot duplicate what you are doing, then you will have a hard time building any kind of a long term business.

2) Tools to Teach.

Every SCORCHING Training has Tools that the new person can use and master. These include cds, dvds, brochures, training manuals, online training, flash trainings, conference calls training, Saturday Training events, and one on one teachings.

There is a saying that I love — “It’s not just about Talent, but TOOLS.” Training Tools are necessary to bridge the gap between inexperience, and experience with the new distributor. And one of the most powerful tools you can have at the start is a CD that you can listen to while in the car. This is a great way to learn the business, and get the information inside your soul.

3) Complete Content.

Many companies I have been blessed to work with lacked COMPLETE MLM training in their programs. They had some format of training, but not covering ALL aspects of what a new distributor needs. This should include training even on what to do on a daily basis, product training, corporate training, compensation training, and even the start of Leadership training.

The question all training should answer is “What do I do next?” If that question is answered, then you can pretty much bet that the training program is close to complete if not totally complete.

4) A Success Path.

Every distributor needs a Success path. This is a Path that they travel, to hit the first goal or promotion in the Compensation plan. It has daily goals, daily activities, timelines, how many calls a day, how many sales a week, how many recruits a month, and how much volume a month. This Success Path will be a day by day, call by call, action by action plan that will actually steer the new peson to Success over a period of time. It also includes a day by day Personal Development Program that develops the new distributor on the inside.

A Success Path is only a Path, and not a magic bullet. It is up to the new person to walk it. Most new distributors will, if given the opportunity, and the road to travel.

5) LIVE Role Playing.

There is NOTHING as powerful as Role Playing with the new distibutor. It gives them “Artifical Experience” that psychologically will prepare them for the real thing. It will help develop a “feeling” or “Pattern” of what to do and say, and handle any situations that come up. There is no feeling like when a new person “gets it” and understands what they are supposed to do, and how to do it, THEN doing it. It is imperative to Role Play with your new person. It gets them ready for the real thing, in a quick and powerful fashion.

These are the 5 Secrets of SCORCHING MLM Training, and what great training should contain. Yes, there are more things to come along, but these 5 are a MUST to get the new distributor off to a SCORCHING, BLAZING Start, with MLM Training.