MLM Success- Secrets of Getting Your New Distributor off to a SCORCHING FAST Start

A List for Success. That is what I am talking about here. Every new distributor that joins a Network marketing Company needs a how to get started checklist when they get to create a map of what the need to do to get started…




If you have a checklist that a new distributor can follow and check off what he/she has done, then you have created a system that can not only be duplicated, but also taught.

By virtually anyone.

An MLM checklist also will provide another thing besides duplication:


If a new distributor knows that he/she will be asked about completing part of a checklist, then the odds of them doing it just went up a lot!

It simply shows the new mlm distributor tasks that need to be done, and a good checklist will even have the date the task was done.


If a new MLM distributor has a list of things that they must do, the seriousness of the focus they have will increase significantly.

Getting Started in MLM is easy!

You, as a sponsor, (when you become one) must provide a PATH to success in the beginning that WALKS the new network marketing distributor through the first tasks that need to be done.

And it must be a step by step path.

Your checklist must have some form of direction to it and purpose. It cannot be just a list of tasks that are meaningless. They must be what will get the new distributor prepared for the initial launch of their MLM business.

There are many forms and kinds of checklists. I have seen many out in the industry, and all of them differed in some way.

It’s not the list itself that is important as the fact that there is a track to follow and a path that you can access as you get started in this business.

A list should contain 3 things:

1) Tasks that Set up the new distributor with the company.

This part of the list should contain what is needed to get the new MLM distributor in the computer and inventory ordered, and anything else your company requires you to so.

2) A list of what needs to be done to set up and engage the business.

This can be as simple as a warm market list and a time to start calling the names.

3) Target Dates to accomplish the tasks.

Make the dates have a sense of urgency but not intimidating to the new person.

And a list should always be user friendly. Easy to follow and not complicated as this will expedite the new distributor’s willingness to get it done quicker.

Here is checklist that will work for any new Network Marketing distributor and get them focused and on track for success:

Steps to Success for a New MLM Distributor

1) Make sure all the paperwork is in and Product ordered.


2) Schedule the first Training Session and Kick off Meeting


Kick Off Meeting Agenda:

3) Go over the New distributor Manual-Section by Section


4) Call and get 3 way calling set up on their phone


5) Go through the tools and brochures and answer any questions


6) Start the warm market and "Hello it’s Me" letter list (Memory Jogger)


7) Go through Fast Start Training (If applicable)

Date: ___________________________________

8) Role Play with new distributor approach and 3 way script


9) Set time to start 3 way calls


10) Plan First Exposure Meeting with warm market


As you can see, the first part is to get the paperwork out of the way, and then you do what I call a Kick Off Meeting. This is a meeting that is set to train and officially kick off the business of the new Network Marketing distributor.


Every new distributor needs an Official Start to their business, and a Kick Off meeting accomplishes that Iis the starting point of where they start working their business.

Follow the steps to the Kick off meeting and if there is a Fast Start training from your company, go over that with them.

PassionFire has a Fast Start Training Manual- A Hot Start- The First 14 days-as well if your company does not have one. Check it out in our online store.

The tools are VERY important, and PassionFire has several tool trainings. Go over all the tools with the new distributor, and make sure they have an understanding of them.

Role play with the your upline with 3 way calling. This is a MUST! It will help create confidence in them and also show them the power in the 3 way.

Then plan their first exposure meeting, usually in their home, or a luncheon, or just setting appointments with the new distributor to go see people.

Go over this checklist with the new distributor, and START THEM OFF RIGHT in MLM and Network Marketing.

By Doug Firebaugh

Homebased Network Marketing MLM

Homebased Network Marketing Mlm has three qualities: control of time and money, continual salary, and steady growth which multiplies.|Homebased Network Marketing Mlm has three qualities: control of time and money, continual salary, and steady growth which multiplies. By trying to control your time, you can reap from your downline’s efforts.

A downline is a group of people you recruit to sell your product, and you get a percentage of their sales. With residual income from the downline, you can get more free time for yourself. You can be a business owner with less expenses than a brick and mortar business.

If your salary is accrued with the work of many, your earnings will be dependable. If one or two people in your downline have to quit for whatever reason, you can still earn the money from others. By controlling your time and managing your downline, you can get more time and money for yourself through homebased network marketing mlm.

Of course you get a continual salary because of your downline from the home based network marketing mlm like royalties for artists. After your working in grooming the recruits is done, you’ll still be getting money. Residual income is like interest drawn on a bank account; you don’t have to do anything for it. You will get income as the business grows, and your commissions from recruits multiply. There’s a geometric growth because your money is constantly accruing.

The market is right for homebased network marketing mlm because people such as the baby boomers are reaching their peak earning time. Double income and single parent families have less time and use MLM services that save time such as on the Internet.

Technology has improved customer service, and relationships with MLM workers and commissions can be utilized in ways not possible before. All of this started in the 1950’s with nutritional supplements, household products, and cosmetics. MLM boomed in the 1980’s with insurance and long-distance telephone services. As the twenty-first century approached, improvements in technology helped the MLM industry.

The industry expanded into credit cards, travel, and pre-paid legal services. MLM can adapt as technology evolves. The combination of technology and old-fashioned salesmanship makes MLM popular for everyone including those in the business world. You can earn money from the downline of your recruits’ sales and their recruits’ sales and so on.

There’s no overhead if you work at home, and advertising can be based on word of mouth. There’s also no inventory, no collections, and no receivables. Because of convenience of MLM, it has spread to other countries such as Japan and Poland. You don’t have to see the customer, and the product is shipped to him. MLM has acquired a bad reputation through media reports, but many companies including mainstream ones do it legally and successfully.

By Adrian Austin

KANON læsning…

Skuffen har skrevet en kanon weblog omkring sit arbejde med mlm og, lidt om hvem han er, hvordan han kom i gang og med hvem han samarbejder. Det er god læsning, og vi opfordrer alle til at følge dette gode eksempel, ved selv at komme med nogle historier og detaljer fra det virkelige mlm-liv.

En ting, vi synes er ekstra flot ved webloggen fra Skuffen, er, at han åbenhjertet beskriver det økonomiske afkast af den første arbejdsmåned. Flot! :wink

Og ja – Skuffen – vi er vilde efter at læse mere. Så bliv endelig ved med at skrive i Weblogs her på

[orange]Det handler om markedsføring. Det ved Lars Larsen (Jysk), det ved vi ( og det ved Skuffen. Så frem med tastaturet og fortæl om dit mlm-liv…[/orange]

Nu kan I også skrive i Weblogs…

Hvis I har lyst til at fortælle lidt om jeres hverdag, hvem I er, hvad I laver og måske også hvorfor. Så kan I gøre det i jeres helt egen Weblogs. I bestemmer selv hvem der må læse siderne, og det er let at gå til.

Beskriv evt. også jeres daglige arbejde med mlm-forretningen, og før på den måde en form for dagbog/kontrol med din indsats.

Så kører det igen…

[red]FEDT!!! Nu ruller det hele igen. :yes[/red]

Se at blive oprettet som medlem og det er jo ganske gratis, for så kan du være med til at udvikle vores samlingssted og forhåbentlig også din egen mlm-forretning – positivt.

Hvis du har billeder, artikler eller andet godt fra havet, der er relevante for – så skal du endelig ikke holde dig tilbage.

God fornøjelse!

Velkommen til!

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Efter flere års hackning, håber jeg nu at endelig kan få lov til at eksistere. Jeg kan ikke huske, hvor mange gange hele websitet er blevet reinstalleret pga. hackning. Mega træls!!!

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